Thursday, June 08, 2006

China Culture : Old Generation New Generation

Chinese Old And New General FamilyCulture of China is quite unique and special. It contains wonderful and delightful arts and customs as well as very interesting ways of life. Yet there is one aspect of Chinese Culture that truly sets it apart from other cultures and countries: the connected split between Old and New.

China Culture as a whole can clearly be divided into two: Traditional Culture and Modern Culture. Like all other cultures of the world, the Chinese Culture is changing continually. Throughout history it has evolved and changed, especially during the 20th century.

New Generation In Old Generation DressSocial scientists believe that there are four chief factors that cause a culture to change: changes in the environment, contact with other cultures, invention, and the further development of the culture itself.

The last three have proved to be the key factors in China's cultural change from old to new, as China began opening its doors to foreign relations and making scientific, technological, social, and economic advances.

Chnese In The BottleMany of the topics and areas explored in this site are divided into the sections of Traditional and Modern. The two "subcultures" of Chinese Culture are clearly distinct and different; yet, they are also connected together, even "co-existing".
Although separate in history, they are linked together in the Chinese society.
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